Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Game Marketing

Game Marketing

It's Not "Show Friends," It's "Show Business"

Wikipedia on SHOW BUSINESS:
"The entertainment industry consists of a large number
of sub-industries devoted to entertainment.However, the term is often used in the mass media
to describe the mass media companies
that control the distribution and manufacture
of mass media entertainment."The traditional live entertainment industryLive entertainment:Dance, Drama, Musical Theatre, Opera, Performance Art, Magic (illusion), Comedy, Sports, Concert
The Theater:Playwrights, Actors and Theater directors
The Music industry:Composers and Songwriters, Singers and Musicians, Orchestras, Concert halls and Opera housesThe Publishing industryAuthors, Journalists, Publishers, Printers, BooksellersExhibition EntertainmentMuseum, Amusement park, Trade show, Wax Museum, Fair, Themed Retail, BuskingThe 20th century mass media industryCinema:Film studios, Movie theaterBroadcasting:Television, Radio
Record industryTheme parks
DiscotequesElectronic entertainmentComputer games:SPACEPORT !Video gamesSMS contentWeb sites

NOTE: A computer game is a computer-controlled game. A video game is a computer game where a video display such as a monitor or television is the primary feedback device.

Coming near to the completion of the DareToBeDigital competition, we've designed a wonderful poster for our game SPACEPORT.

Poster: Carbrey, the SPACEPORT Customer Service Manager welcomes (!) you on board your new to be managed space station...

And along with the poster (A1 size!) comes the box, which contains this PC playable game... soon.

Have a look (still under severe construction) at the SPACEPORT web site in a few days time.


Next..... more coffee and on to designing the flyer!

Two sugars and milk, please ;o)

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