Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Face It

Face It

We are in Week 8 of 10... almost at the end of what can be called a daring competition.

Goal: To make the greatest, most enjoyable, fun computer game.
Objective: To realize this in a team of 6 students over a 10 week period in the Summer.

Will we finally be able to show all the good stuff in our game: SPACEPORT?
Who knows...

If we'd asked it one of our lead characters, this is what he could say:

SPACEPORT's Customer Service Manager

You've guessed it... we are bringing in Facial Expressions to our game actors. And to show you which emotions I have designed so far, have a look at the following:

1 comment:

Doerak said...

It looks like Willem himself!?
Drawing in the computerplay too!