Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Express Yourself

Express Yourself

After last entry on this Blog, where we positioned the 7 elements that express emotion on the (human) face, this time round we dive into 'what is it that they express'.

The Model's face has slightly changed for our Game purpose, as can be seen below.

Customer Service Manager at your service


FLAT eyebrows
The flatter the curve of the eyebrow, the more aesthetic, quiet, and greater is the desire for harmony of the person. The person is oriented towards ideas and concepts, and responds to logic.
  • With a curved chin, he/she is attracted to ideas and abstractions, but acts by making appeals to the feelings of others.
  • With a straight chin, he/she uses concepts to complete principles.
  • With a pointed chin, he/she is concerned with ideas, but uses them to dominate.

CURVED eyebrows
The greater the arch or curvature of the eyebrow, the more dramatic, lively, and theatrical is the person. The person is oriented towards feelings, emotionally sensitive, and easily hurt in relationships. A person with curved, thin eyebrows is passionate and very concerned about interpersonal relationships.
  • With a curved chin, he/she holds the interests of others first in thinking and acting.
  • With a straight chin, he/she puts ideas and principles ahead of feelings in thinking and acting.
  • With a pointed chin, he/she observes feelings and stages events to assess the reactions of others.

ARCHED eyebrows
A person with angular eyebrows is oriented towards control, observes a conversation with detachment, and may be manipulative and coercive. Boomerang-shaped (arched) eyebrows indicate strength and resourcefulness and ability to put ideas into action; if a woman, dominance in love.
  • With a curved chin, he/she needs to fashion details into a form that is harmonious.
  • With a straight chin, he/she finds what is needed to obtain the intended result involving a concept.
  • With a pointed chin, he/she is detached from feeling and may be ruthless in pursuit of control.

EYELIDS [note: a slant is an imaginary line starting from the nose through the eye towards the ear]

SLANT UP eyelids
A person whose eyes slant up is lower in criticalness, and less able to see advantages and disadvantages of situations. A person whose eyes slant up more is more fond of and skilled at solving problems and is more sympathetic towards suffering people.

SLANT DOWN eyelids
A person whose eyes slant down (sharpshooter's eyes), is higher in criticalness, more likely to nag, and gives better advice. A person whose eyes slant down more is more optimistic and idealistic.


DOWNTURN lip corners
A person with downturned corners of the lips is more pessimistic and less pleasant as company. The more the mouth angles down, the more darkly the person interprets the comments of others with a brooding, pessimistic outlook and the more readily the person apologizes for possible insults of hasty speech.

UPTURN lip corners
A person with upturned corners of the lips is more optimistic and more pleasant as company. The more the mouth angles up, the more positively the person interprets the comments of others with optimism and humor.


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