Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Shooting Stars

I'd like to introduce you to one of my favorite graphic artists in computer generated art;
Greg Martin, whose work is extremely precise and realistic.

Greg Martin says: "My goal is to raise the bar for aspiring celestial artists everywhere by making the basic techniques to create realistic spatial elements available for all interested... It is up to the artist, however, to develop their own skill-set and create truly dynamic compositions. Be forewarned... simple "planet and star" pieces are rapidly becoming the height of cliché... the challenge is out for YOU to break the mold and create the next unique and truly inspiring work of celestial art."

There is more art available for viewing, or purchase at Greg Martin's beautifully designed website at Art of Greg Martin. When there, I looked for the great tutorials for making realistic planets and star fields.

And following his precise instructions I managed to get the following images 'painted' with Photoshop, which will serve as footage for our DareToBeDigital: SPACEPORT Game.

.. following ...

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