Monday, October 17, 2005

Creation by De(con)struction

Our outline for today's Tapestry class stated the following:

"Deconstruction can take many forms but there are lots of things which are Health and Safety issues and which you are not allowed to do at College."

How sad, no fires, boiled plastics, or shrunk jerry-cans...

Still I had to meet the learning objectives; to combine research, and investigation with growing technical expertise; widen the conceptual approach through experimentation. To have explored the possibilities of destroying something in one sense and recreating something else afresh from the elements that result.

It said it... destroying!

So out I went and bought a 2 Pound (after negotiation) Wall clock at Pound Savers.

Wall clock suited for demolition

And after opening the packaging and cutting it to pieces I would create ... a fan.

Wall fan ;o)

What's next...

Any volunteers?

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